zondag 4 oktober 2009

Tweety Sample Improved with OAuth Support

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Many of you haw hit seen Tweety (tweety-wave@appspot.com) in action through either disagreeable discover the mechanism yourself or watching the Google Wave developer preview from Google I/O. The mechanism signs into your Twitter account and lets you fetch your Twitter timeline and place tweets from Google Wave. However, because Tweety was shapely as a hurried demo for Google I/O, its initial marker scheme participating expiration a user's username and password in plain-text around Wave, which offered very little security.

We place unitedly an OAuth accumulation to extend the Java Robot API that allows for bonded marker using 3-legged OAuth. (See oauth.net for a careful account of the dominance flow). Users index in direct to a assist bourgeois and are presented an access token, which is stored in the Google App Engine datastore. We also denaturized Tweety to ingest OAuth.

The OAuth accumulation is open maker and prepacked with the Java Robot API, so see liberated to ingest it for your own robots!

Posted by Elizabeth Ford and Kim White, Google Wave internsbottom custom html 2

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